Toddler Early Learning Daycare Program
Early Learning Program For 12 months to 2/12 years children.
Children learn natural through play. At Montessori Academy of Carrboro, our Toddler Daycare Program sets children 12 months to 2 1/2 years on their natural path of knowledge in which they follow the whims of curiosity and wonder. This path of exploration created especially for the heart and mind of a young child.
Toddlers are happiest in a state of constant motion, with their newfound abilities and a strong desire to “do it by myself”. The child seeks an ever-ready avenue for retreat and reassurance as their intellectual, physical, and social skills blossom.
Our Toddler Daycare Program is directed by a child’s interest. The toddler is provided a safe, nurturing atmosphere, allowing the child freedom of movement and learning. Children experience cognitive and motor development by hands-on activities at their own pace. The children are given time to become captivated by a concept, and encouraged to develop their potential.
When children are guided by an adult sensitive to their needs, left free to explore, children gain self- confidence and self-discipline. We provide this environment which creates a strong foundation for all future learning,